
Who speaks?

No one must speak. But it is a discussion club and a place to exchange ideas. 
The night's topics* will be listed on a board when picking up argyles.
Any participant may put their name up on a topic to be the Argyle, or introductory, speaker for that topic.
Sometimes a special guest may be invited as the Argyle Speaker. 
The Argyle Speaker (first speaker), who shouldn't speak for more than 15 minutes,
will select the next speaker, who must be a different color argyle.
Each successive speaker picks the next one--of a different color.
No person may speak again on a topic until all others have spoken.
Discussion will continue until the facilitator or group decides to stop.
The last speaker on a topic will be asked to summarize. 
As many topics will be discussed as time and process allows. 

*Topics may be posted online before the meeting